Bottle 22

I turned around for one minute and he had this one opened. 

“How did you pick it?”

“I went over and grabbed one without a cork. I don’t like corks.”

I guess that’s one way to pick. 

He likes it so far. He says it’s a nice transition from the Rioja (which I didn’t tell you about since it was a replacement bottle – not one of the 50). 

Update: I don’t love this one. It’s not French wine but it reminds me of it. Something I don’t love about it. 

Ps: I still drank three glasses of it. Apparently, I can not love it and still drink it while moaning how I don’t like it. And while complaining that it keeps me awake. 

I’m think I’m a treat to live with. No. I know I’m a treat to live with. 

Bottle 21

We opened this one last night. It’s ok. Not super awesome but drinkable. 

I won’t lie. It’s 2 pm and I just poured myself a glass. It’s Sunday afternoon, football time, and I just got home from a super unsuccessful family shopping trip. All of us. 

We needed three things. Should have been so easy. 

My husband needed a new sports coat. Just typing that causes me pain. He’s not a shopper. He volunteers to shop once every two years. This wasn’t on that schedule. We walked into Marshalls and we weren’t inside the store when he started moaning. Three stores later and no sports coat. 

My daughter needs shoes for basketball. But they can’t be just any shoes. They must not be like anyone else’s on her team of 11 kids and they must be exactly as they exist in her imagination and they must fit her impossibly small feet that never seem to grow. So we were 0 for 3 at this point. 

My son needed sneakers as well. He’s easy. Found a pair at the second store and they were relatively inexpensive. 1 for 3. 

By this point we were all hangry. So hangry. So we hit the mall. Surely we could find exactly what we needed there. We walk in and the power was out and they were evacuating the mall. Ahhhhhh. 

I’ll pay someone to take them out for me. Maybe someone will do it for wine. 

(Why don’t I send them by themselves? Haha! That’s a story for another day. Let’s just say that letting my husband shop by himself is a luxury I cannot afford).  

Bottle 20 

They are all going so fast!! If it were up to me, I’d just keep hoarding them. I just like knowing they are there. My wonderful husband does not think I should hoard them and thinks it’s ridiculous that I think he should go buy wine so my count doesn’t drop. 

Anyway, last night was another ‘run kids everywhere’ night so I popped this one open when I got home. 

Firesteed pinot noir. 

Quite like this one. Very light and drinkable. 

The selection: 

I had my sister choose over text which one to open. I kind of cheated. She picked one I didn’t want (I hate cheating on my own rules but I just wasn’t up for the apothic red – too heavy). So I had her choose again and she picked this one. I’ll buy this one again. Sometimes rules are meant to be broken. 

Speaking of rules I make myself follow, I once set a rule that I could only watch Downton Abbey on the treadmill. I thought it would motivate me but now I’m 20 seasons behind. And 20 lbs heavier. Sometimes rules are stupid. 

I asked Mike what he thought of this one: “I didn’t like the first sip but now it’s ok”. 

As he just finished off the bottle, I guess it’s drinkable for him. 

Bottles 18 & 19

It’s been a super busy week but somehow these two bottles were consumed. 

The Fat Bastard is my daughters favourite. Not for drinking but for talking about at the top of her lungs in public. 

Mike liked both. I didn’t have either so the only review I can offer is once again, the bottles are empty. 

How did he choose them? Not in any fun or clever way. Sigh. 

Bottle 16 & 17

It’s thanksgiving part two here this weekend. My sis and family are arriving in a few hours (hooray).

I told her she could pick wine for dinner. 

I should have known better. We’ve gone to dinner together. She can never choose what to order. Always ends up with the burger. Then asks for my dinner. Since we were kids. “I’ll have the burger. Oh, can I have some of your steak?”.

So I gave her a second chance since I am so happy they are coming. 

I picked the one from red and the six from white. 

They had better be good. 

Bottle 15

After a super long (but fun) day of kid activities (orchestra, birthday party, parent vs kid baseball game, and more violin), we cracked open this wine before heading out to my favourite event of the year – a public art at night event all over the city. 

I only had a sip (for review purposes) but it was lovely. We will add this to the rebuy list. 

Mike’s been stealing all my fun by choosing the wine before I can. And by using no clever or interesting methods to choose. “I like this wine so I picked it”. “It was the first one on the rack”. Boring. 

Bottles 13 & 14

After I shared last nights blog post with Mike, he sent me this text with the other bottles from this week. 

He was not lying. They worked extra hard this week making me feel like I was missed (at least they missed the minimal tidying I do). 

I’m assuming the wines were good. They are empty. 

How’s that for a good wine review? The bottles are empty. Two thumbs up. 

This is probably my new career. Wine reviewer who really prefers beer – totally uneducated on wine. Stay tuned. 

Bottle 12

I’ve been traveling all week so, like you, I’m dying to know what the wine situation is at home.

I got one text on Monday  night:

So there is his review. And an example of my shockingly bad memory.

I called today from the Milwaukee airport and asked what has been happening with the wine (as that was the last I heard). “uhhhhh….”

Should be interesting.

Bottles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Did you see the title and think I had a really wild Sunday? 

Thanksgiving here in Canada. We brought 5 bottles to dinner (which was super duper fantastic). 

Here’s what we brought. 

A few people had the Riesling before dinner. I had a sip and it seemed ok. 

We drank the two Tidal Bays first with dinner. I had the Avondale Sky (I think). It was very nice. 

I think the Jost was for the second round. I was driving so I didn’t try that. Mike said it was “alright”. 

I should have engaged guest bloggers. If you are reading this, you can fill us in. 

The Chardonnay didn’t get opened but I left it for drinking with leftovers. 

Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canadians! 

Bottle 6

I sent a message to friends who also had a part in the draw and asked which bottles were theirs. 

Glen said his was one we already drank – bottle 3 – which we loved enough to replace. 

So I asked him for a number (1-42). He picked 42. I should have known. He’s the complete opposite and somehow the exact same as my husband. 

That was a white wine so we picked again: 

Mike says it’s quite good. His type of wine. More stellar wine reviewing. 

I’m actually drinking a beer. I need a wine break. 

I probably should win a clothing lottery next. Nothing is fitting with all this wine drinking.