Moving on…literally

So, the wine is gone (mostly) and the beer calendar is done. I’m trying to decide what to write about next. 

My friend suggested I focus on our upcoming move. 50 boxes of …. oh so much stuff.

We are not going far. A few streets over. As if that makes it better. 

Our last move was close like this. We kept meaning to rent a truck but instead moved everything in the back of our mini van. It was a freaking nightmare. 
This time we’ve promised ourselves to use movers. The only problem with this plan is that it involves a plan. I hate plans.  

I’m the opposite of a type A personality. I’m not even a letter. I’m probably a type orange. I hate planning. I hate committing to things. How am I going to know if I’ll be ready to move on a certain date? 

I’ll keep you posted on this move. I just know I’m not moving each sock over individually like we did last time.